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Words and Moments

A blog by Rio de Vera Saved by grace through faith Heaven Shipper, Joy bearer


  • March 30, 2017
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To win, to train and to send – that was the mission of the church I used to attend to back in Riyadh. If the church by God’s grace victoriously win souls for God, to nurture and train them comes the next priority. Our leaders’ week usually revolves around work, preparing Bible study lessons and praying for their members. Researching answers for possible questions for the upcoming Bible study comes in handy too.

Having these kinds of people leading me in both action and words, I can’t help but embrace the beauty of the local church’s vision. I am blessed enough to have found my very own apostle Pauls.

“Imitate me, just as I also Imitate Christ” – 1 Corinthians 11:1

Leaders play a vital role upon our lives. From our parents, to our teachers, to our Pastors, small group leaders and the people we look up to. People whose influence we choose to embrace to make a difference upon our lives, people whose visions can either make or break us.

The importance of this truth can also be found in the lives of the Israelites. For people who don’t have a direct and personal relationship with God, a leader who stands in the gap – listening to His precepts and teaching it to His people – is essential.

But really, what does a Godly leader do?

1.        They carry a God-given vision.

Being the person God has chosen to spill His beans to. They are the ones who know the requirements and procedures of the mission given unto them. They make it their goal and the very purpose of their existence. For Noah, it’s the making of the Ark. For Moses, it’s taking the Israelites out of Egypt. For Joshua, it’s leading the Israelites across the borders towards the promise land. For David, it’s to always lead and keep His kingdom towards the precepts of his Lord. For Jesus, it’s the death on the cross. For Paul and the other disciples, it’s advancing the Kingdom of God.

What kind of vision your leader is carrying? Is it God-given?

2.       They work hard to keep everyone on track.

God-given visions are never easy for mere human abilities. These kinds of vision can only happen through the power of God in the lives of willing believers, so expect a not-so pleasant journey. Noah looked pathetic and insane in the eyes of the people surrounding him. Moses received a lot of complaints from his people: “why are we here? we are hungry, we are thirsty,  are there no graveyards for us that you’re letting us die in the wilderness? It’s way better in Egypt!”. Joshua received a lot of negativeness when He took God in His Word. God’s favor for David made him live a life on the run. Jesus cried tears and blood asking the Father to take the cup of His mission away from Him. Paul and the disciples received threats and died in gruesome ways as they advance the kingdom of God. But all these things never stopped them from doing what God has called them to do. Moses for instance, cried so many times to God regarding the people He has given under his care. “What shall I do with these people?”, They just said yes to God but here they are, worshiping the Golden Calf. They just received the promise of God but because of the giants, they doubt what He just said. Can you imagine the weight upon our leaders’ shoulders? They carry a vision so great and all they want for us is to get involved in it, but there are times that we are just so confused and overwhelmed with whatever is going on, so we fail to understand but our confusion and weakness doesn’t stop them from keeping us into the right track. They remind, rebuke, rejoice when we get back and grieve when we don’t.

What are the efforts your leader does to keep you on the right track?

3.       Their lives always point out to God.

God-given leaders never claim glory unto themselves. They are well aware that the vision and the ability to do the things needed to be done comes from the Lord. They always look forward to whatever God has prepared in front of them. If there is a reason for them to be the looking back upon their lives, it’s to count the times God has been faithful into His words to remind them that if God had made them throughout the previous circumstances, He will be faithful enough to carry them through the upcoming difficulties.

Is your leader God-glorifying or Self-glorifying?

As you answer these questions, hopefully you get to evaluate your leaders. Do they carry God-given visions? Are they doing everything to keep you on track? Are they living a God-glorifying life? If they are, appreciate them once in a while, pray for them, submit to them and let them know that you are grateful to God having them upon your life. If you are a leader yourself, it’s a good thing to have your heart checked once in a while. Are you still carrying the vision God has given you when you started working on this ministry? What happens to the journey God has assigned you to? Are you praying for your people? Are you grieving for them when they go astray? Are you rejoicing when they excel? How about the way you live your life? Are you a living arrow that points out to God?


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